
WIP CEU Webinar Series: HUD Rental Assistance Programs: Paying What You Can Afford - PART 1 OF 2



Lack of affordable housing aggravates the plight of low-income Americans as much as any other single issue.  Rents have risen to new heights during the post-pandemic period.  HUD rental assistance programs – although chronically underfunded – offer an elegant solution for people who receive their assistance.  Tenants pay a limited percentage of their income for rent and utilities, and HUD funds pay the rest.  When tenants’ incomes drop, when certain other expenses rise, or rents go up, HUD usually pays more of the rent and utility costs.  And income limits for HUD programs are based on percentages of the median income in the local area, so people who live in high-income, high-rent communities can qualify for aid if their incomes are higher, but still low compared to the average in their area.  In short, these programs ensure affordable rent and utility costs.


National training and certification for benefit planners – including WIPs – lack the time needed to cover HUD programs adequately.  Here is your chance to gain a deeper knowledge of these essential benefits that many individuals we serve receive.  Given the depth and breadth of the content, this training requires two 2-hour webinars.


The webinars address:


·      The basic calculation of tenant’s share of rent and utility costs

·      The key HUD programs.  A chart is included that details 14 HUD programs and 3 non-HUD programs.

·      Work incentives in some HUD programs

·      Asset eligibility

·      How to estimate the impact of earnings on rent and utility payments

·      How the Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act (HOTMA) will make key changes to HUD rules when final regulations are published

·      Minimum rent and hardship exemptions

·      Impact of welfare assistance reductions on rent

·      How to use two protections for tenants whose incomes increase significantly – “flat rents” in public housing, and a key Housing Choice Voucher rule


The training features a HUD rent calculation spreadsheet which you’ll learn to use to estimate the impact of income changes – including new or increased work earnings – on rent and utility payments.